React.JS Google Maps API - Add modal overlay with CSS in a React App You may have noticed this "Use ⌘ + scroll to zoom the map" warning while scrolling over a non-full screen sized google map. Goole maps does not provide this functionality for custom messages
React.JS Using Google Maps in React without custom libraries There is no official React library from Google for Google Maps, but there is a JS API. With 2 easy steps you can use your React components with this API.
React.JS React Router Dom v4 with Redux React Router handles things differently in the new version. If you want to push routes using redux, you will need browserHistory or hashHistory. In react router v4, now there's no importable history object.
create-react-app Absolute imports and intellisense with create-react-app (without ejecting) By default create-react-app does not allow absolute imports which is a bit shame because you always need to check the location of the file you're editing and the location of the file you're importing. We will need to make some small tweaks to use absolute imports.