Selenium Behaviour-Driven Testing in JavaScript using Cucumber and Selenium In the previous post we've built a simple automation system to test the front end of an express.js application. This was for TDD (Test-Driven Development). The
Selenium End to End Javascript testing with Selenium, Mocha and Chai Setting up the environment for automation testing is actually not that hard. I'm not going to tell how useful TDD approach is. I'll cut it short and tell you how to set up the a simple boilerplate that could be extended for everyone's needs.
Nokia 5110 LCD with Arduino Nano and u8glib Nokia 5110 LCD is a cheap and simple to use component that you can use in almost all your Arduino projects. There are lots of examples about it, but most of them are
React.JS React Router Dom v4 with Redux React Router handles things differently in the new version. If you want to push routes using redux, you will need browserHistory or hashHistory. In react router v4, now there's no importable history object.
create-react-app Absolute imports and intellisense with create-react-app (without ejecting) By default create-react-app does not allow absolute imports which is a bit shame because you always need to check the location of the file you're editing and the location of the file you're importing. We will need to make some small tweaks to use absolute imports.
OranggePi Convert your old printer to a wireless printer with CUPS and OrangePi To reserve a physical place on the desk for home PC users is often an annoying work. You don't really need printers all the time, but you would like them to be accessible
AWS Debugging AWS Lambda functions locally There are very sophisticated industry standards like Serverless, but for small to middle size projects I find Serverless to be quite an overkill as you need to do lots of configuration. For my
AWS Using multiple AWS accounts on the same computer There are times when we want to use multiple AWS accounts but still keep using the same computer. We may want to separate our work and personal accounts. When you use aws configure
ESP8266 Using AWS Lambda & API Gateway with ESP8266 over HTTPS I know there are some very good IOT services such as Blynk and ThingsSpeak, but as a full stack developer I like being in full control. So this post is not about those
Arduino Enabling Arduino Intellisense with Visual Studio Code Arduino IDE is a great tool, but if you need to use Arduino more than just blinking LEDs, you most probably will need a better editor that supports intellisense. Visual Studio Code is
Managing Page Loop for U8GLib using Arduino UNO & OLED 128x64 I2C Previous tutorial we've done a simple hello world application that prints our name to the OLED screen using U8Glib. This tutorial I will just be focusing on the library itself and it's page
Introduction to U8Glib using Arduino UNO and OLED 128x64 I2C Hello World on U8Glib Hello World application for Arduino UNO & OLED Mini 128X64 0.96 inch is quite simple. Make the connections as below and upload the code and you're good to
Ubuntu How to login as root in Ubuntu EC2 using WinSCP Login to EC2 instance using PuTTY and run below command: sudo visudo add "ubuntu ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" to the end of the file Edit sudoers Then switch to Winscp and
About Me I wanted to write this blog with a "notes to myself" format, but I would be extremely happy if these notes help other people too. Worked for years as a back-end